AC Captains

Civil Service Commission reverses initial decision, finding Atlantic City Lieutenants eligible for the Captains examination. On behalf of three Atlantic City Lieutenants, Ms. Sandy appealed the Civil Service Commission’s initial determination to the Appellate Division. The Appellate Division remanded the matter to the Superior Court for a determination as to the Lieutenants’ seniority date while Atlantic City was under the Municipal Stabilization and Recovery Act. By way of Motion to Intervene, Ms. Sandy filed for retroactive appointment date to afford the three Lieutenants seniority in the rank and grade back to the date they began acting in that capacity. The Superior Court found in favor of the Lieutenants, retroactively adjusting their seniority dates to the date of appointment. Ms. Sandy then filed a Motion for Reconsideration to the Civil Service Commission to have Civil Service acknowledge the Superior Court’s order affording the Lieutenants sufficient time and grade to be eligible to score their promotional examinations for the position of Captain.

For the Civil Service Commission’s Decision, Click Here.


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